Monday, 19 August 2013

Split day workout plans?

So i just arrived home from my Monday training session where i hit my chest and triceps. A friend of mine was in the gym with me last Monday and asked me why I was only training two muscles? My answer? Split days!
The whole split day workout routine is not something new to the fitness world, however it is quite new to me, and I'm still experimenting with different combinations to try and find what works for me best. The principle is, you take all of the major muscle groups in your body and divide them up into groups, then dedicate an entire day to one group, the next day to another group and so on. For me, my plan looks something like this.

  • Monday: Chest and Triceps.
  • Tuesday: Cardio
  • Wednesday: Shoulders, Back and Biceps.
  • Thursday: Legs and Core
  • Friday: Rest 
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Cardio

This is by no means an "optimal" program, as i do not consider myself to be a bodybuilder or fitness guru, and am simply doing this for my own personal pleasure. So this is what i find works for me at the minute.
The theory is that by dedicating a single day to working out one or two muscle groups, and then letting them rest for a while is that the window for recovery is much greater. Meaning that your muscles have more time to grow and recover. One of the benefits that I've also found is that when i go into the gym knowing exactly what i'm going to be training, i tend to have a lot more focus. There is definitely less standing around trying to decide what to do next. It also helps people avoid falling into the trap of only working out muscles that they enjoy working.

Like i said earlier, the best thing to do is to experiment with different combinations and find out what works best for you, at the end of the day no two bodies are the same and we all respond differently to different things. So go out there and find out what works for you!

On that note, if anybody who is reading this, feels a bit lost and would like advice from someone who has been there/done that. Then feel free to drop me an email at I've been doing this for about 7 years now and while i still have a huge amount to learn, i have gathered a fair bit of knowledge over the years. So drop me a message with any questions and i'll try to help where i can.

Thanks for reading!

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